---Welcome to the table!


Pull up a chair at our family table. Experience true community and reach your full potential with Christ.

Here you will find a place to belong and grow in a loving community. Thanks for stopping by for a visit! We look forward to meeting you in person.

 Our Team

Life is better together. Meet some of our amazing team members who make ministry possible here at HPWC. Want to get involved? Let us know! We believe that everyone has a part to play in reaching this world for Jesus. 

 Our Services

Sunday morning is our main time to celebrate together. We believe that God is still in the business of proclaiming good news to the world, setting people free, healing the sick and declaring his favor. Come check out what God is up to!

 Our Ministries

Church is more than just Sunday mornings. Its about life together. We have several opportunities to get together and have a good time. 


---Pastor Wes

Welcome to Highest Praise! Christina and I are so glad that you dropped by. God called me into ministry at a young age in a powerful prayer experience with my dad. I believe that God wants to restore families and bring wholeness to our communities. I graduated from Lee University in 2011, where I met my lovely wife, Christina. I studied pastoral ministry and Spanish. In 2017, we were invited to serve as lead pastors of Highest Praise. We have four wonderful children, named Anna, Sam, Judah and Benjamin. I love reading biographies and history. When I am not at the church, you can find me running the trails or working in the garden with my family. I look forward to meeting you!

--- Core Leaders

Church is more than a place to gather on Sunday mornings. It is a family that grows in Christ and blesses others. God has given you gifts to serve your community. 
Meet some people in our church who help lead the way through serving, coordinating, and training others to make a difference in our world. 

---Family Events

Every family has special days on their calendar to celebrate. You’re invited to our next celebration!
1st Saturday of August
Month of Service


Upcoming Events


My Six String Guitar

How is your relationship with God? Do you long for something deeper? Come discover how to encounter God personally.
 Wednesdays 6:45 PM
Highest Praise Worship Center




Winter Camp Meeting

Do you know that you are part of a bigger family? Join us in Fenton as we worship with Church of God’s from all over Michigan!
 March 13-14 
Tyrone Valley Conference Center 6317 Old US 23, Fenton, MI 48430




April Serve Month 2025

Stockbridge is an amazing place to worship, live, work, and play. Join us in April as we serve our community. More information to come!
Stockbridge, Michigan 49285

--- Table Talk

What Ifs?

What ifs seem to plague our society today. As I was driving back and forth from Stockbridge to Garden City during the transition to being pastor, I began to wonder: What if the people don’t accept me? What if I don’t measure up? What if the house in Garden City doesn’t sell? What if I get stuck behind a slow moving truck and don’t make it on time? What if…? Maybe you can relate. Thinking on these what ifs can really weigh you down and become a burden. Then I remembered that I don’t have to carry that alone. We have someone who will come alongside us and not only help us with our burden but will give us guidance when we are in need. His name is Holy Spirit.



Need Prayer?

We firmly believe in the power of prayer! If you need prayer don’t hesitate to contact us. We meet regularly to pray together.